Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ben Affleck as Batman

Yes, I am sure everyone is tired of hearing about this news. Practically every movie blog, comic book forum, and retched hive of scum and villainy, has weighed in on what they think about this news. So to must I contribute to the cacophony. Greater men than I have already weighed in so I may be just retreading already brought up topics.

First of all, I am completely okay with Ben Affleck as Batman. Having been a fan of Mr. Affleck since his earliest film performances, and just singing his praises in his past few films, there are few other actors that I would like to see playing the Dark Knight. While I know there are many who wish that Christian Bale had stayed, I am not one of them. It was time to recast and Ben Affleck was the right choice.

To be perfectly honest, there was no way they could do this movie without recasting. As much as I loved the Nolan trilogy of Batman films (I feel The Dark Knight might be one of the best comic book films ever made), those films worked so hard to depict a real world version of Batman. A Batman very much grounded in the physics and limits of the real world. While perfectly suited to deal with psychotic clowns or militaristic mad men, the world of Man of Steel depicted a world inhabited by gods. Superman has the power to level a city (which he does) and shoot lasers from his eyes. Christian Bale’s version of Batman would do nothing against that. So therefore the character needs to be reinvented and recast. We need a Batman that is closer to the Batman in the comics, who can conceivably take out a godlike being like Superman. For that you need someone who can be an imposing presence on screen next to Henry Cavill’s Superman. Enter Ben Affleck.

Ben Affleck has been working in Hollywood for a long time. Like Batman he has gained years of experience, which gives him a natural gravitas. Batman is a character that before even engaging in a fight with his opponent, he projects the aura of having already won the fight. I feel like Ben Affleck could portray that sense of already having one the fight before Batman or Superman had even thrown a punch.

There is another side to Ben Affleck’s role that is important to remember. Whenever casting for a super hero movie people need to remember they are not casting one role, but two. Both the hero AND their alter ego. While some actors may be able to play one side of the coin, they may not always be up to playing the other. Since I am sure Ben Affleck could play a grizzled super hero, I KNOW he could play a rich billionaire playboy. Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne seems like an obvious performance. Bruce Wayne is charming and arrogant and not above throwing around a little cash. I’ve seen no less than three Ben Affleck films where he was playing that exact role.

To be honest, most of the people who have criticized Ben Affleck’s casting as Batman are not really thinking about Ben Affleck. They’re thinking about Bennifer. They are envisioning who Ben Affleck USED to be as an actor. They are remembering Reindeer Games, Phantoms, Forces of Nature, and similar films done when Affleck was more famous for being a pretty boy than a serious filmmaker. That Ben Affleck is no more. The Ben Affleck that was cast as Batman is a Ben Affleck who has matured as a filmmaker. He’s proven he can be more than just a handsome guy or romantic interest and can bring real pathos to the role of Batman.

"Bring it on, bitch!"
Truth be told I could be proven completely wrong. Batman vs. Superman could come out in theatres and be a complete cinematic atrocity. But from what I have seen I sincerely doubt that is going to happen. Man of Steel was an enjoyable film and as long as those involved continue on that path, there should be nothing to worry about. Also since this film will be the launching pad for an eventual Justice League film, I have every faith all the care in the world will be taken to insure this is an amazing film and will definitely throw down sixteen bucks (IMAX 3D of course) to see it.

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