Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hawkgirl is kind of Worthless

Okay, this is something that has bothered me for years and I have given a lot of thought to it. I was a big fan of the Justice League cartoon show. Not since Challenge of the Super Friends had we gotten a chance to see all of DC’s heroes together in a cartoon show. It made me giddy, I won’t lie. But while I was excited to see Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter brought together to defend the earth, I found myself asking a question. What the hell is Hawkgirl doing there?

Now I don’t have any hatred towards Hawkgirl. She’s a fine super-heroine. I know there is much love for her among the fan boys and girls. But we’re talking about the Justice League. The elite of the Super Hero teams. Membership should only be extended to the most worthy of heroes, and Hawkgirl just doesn’t make the cut. She adds nothing to the team.

What are Hawkgirl’s powers? She can fly. Well so can four of the other six members of the team. Nothing special about flight. Well she is a skilled fighter. But so are Wonder Woman and Batman. In fact Batman is probably the best fighter in the DC Universe so skilled fighters are not a big necessity for the Justice League. And before you make some claim of sexism towards me, let me say that I do have a better candidate for Justice League membership and that member is also female.

I propose that instead of Hawkgirl, the Justice League should have recruited Zatanna. Now I know that when Justice League became the show Justice League Unlimited that yes, Zatanna was a member. But so was every other hero. Being in the Justice League was basically the same as having a Facebook profile. It was the limitation of having seven members that made the Justice League so elite.

And I say again, Zatanna would have made a better member of the original seven than Hawkgirl did. For one thing, Zatanna HAS a valuable power set. She can do magic. Magic is something that the rest of the League seriously lacks. Sure Wonder Woman gets her powers from the Gods but she has no practical working knowledge of magic. And magic is a big threat in the DC Universe. Felix Faust, Klarion the Witch Boy, Black Adam, Brother Blood, Trigon, Circe, the list goes on and on. Might be helpful to have a magic user in your ranks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hawkgirl can be useful, her mace can disrupt magic.
